Friday, July 17, 2009

Mau Barang Gratisan Dari Internet?

Siapa yang tidak mau barang gratisan??
Pada kesempatan ini saya akan berbagi info tentang cara mendapat barang gratisan....mau?baca dulu!!
Barang yang ditawarkan tidak main-main melainkan barang-barang elektronik seperti handphone,tv,game console,dan masih banyak lagi!!
kepingin dengan hadiah-hadiah itu,caranya mudah cukup daftar dan mengumpulkan kredit jika kreditnya sudah cukup,tukarkan kredit milik anda dengan barang yang diinginkan.
Berikut ada beberapa cara untuk memperoleh kredit:
1.Anda cukup menyelesaikan offers atau mendaftar website-website yang disediakan di sana selama seminggu,sesudah itu kredit akan bertambah pada akun anda.
2.Membeli produk
3.Mengajak teman untuk mendaftar di sini, setiap orang yang ber hasil anda tambahkan akun anda akan bertambah 1 kredit

sebagai contoh anda ingin Nokia 6500 classic harganya 16 kredit,jadi anda hanya memerlukan 16 orang untuk anda ajak bergabung...
Gimana sudah jelaskan caranya,mudah lagi!!

Silahkan DAFTAR di sini....

Friday, May 8, 2009

How You Can Improve Your Website And It’s Designing

A successful website meets clearly identified goals and provides compelling content that draws your audience to your site again and again. In addition it is easy to navigate and last to be attractively designed to complement the content. Web designing should be done in such a manner that people start automatically surfing it and enjoying while doing. Webdesigning is really important factor of any website.

1. A Good Website is gripping: It Provides Value to Your Audience that draws them to your site again and again.
This is most important. Think about the sites that are most popular like or facebook. They provide you with a reason to return. They have compelling content and graphics. When you go to orkut or facebook, you can easily find what you are looking for.

How does this apply to building a home page? Even if you are just building a personal home page, you want to give your audience a reason to stay, and return to your site. Put yourself in the place of your audience. If you were them, what could you do to make your site interesting enough for them to return over and over again.

2. A Good Website Meets Clearly Identified target

You need to identify what you want to achieve with your website. Maybe you want to provide a way to tell others what your family is doing. Maybe you want to meet up with some others who have the same interest as you. Identifying what you want to achieve will help you create a focused cohesive website.

3. A Good Website is Easy to steer

Your website should be easy to navigate. You should assume that your audience may not enter the site from the home page. This means that there should be no dead ends. Every page should have consistent easy to understand links back to other pages.

The easiest way to create an easy to navigate site is to take the time to plan the structure of your site before you start building it. This simply means you decide roughly what pages your site will have and how they will link together. Once you do this you can easily create a set of links between your various pages which make everything easy to find.

4. Pleasant appearance of a Site

Visual attractiveness is an important element of any website. Web designing should be classy and eye catchy. It should design in such way that people surf it with interest and enjoy while surfing the website. No doubts compelling content, clearly defined goals and easy navigation are equally important. But web designing is first most step of any website. People usually attract towards the excellent graphics and pleasant appearance. After that they start reading content and so on.

By: Pallavi

Article Directory:

Monday, May 4, 2009

google adsense

Ingin mendapat uang saat anda tidur?
Daftar aja di Google Adsense,dengan google adsense anda bisa membuat bisnis online dengan bermodal blog gratisan.

Caranya buat dulu blog di blogger dengan akun google anda selanjutnya anda bisa mendaftar di google adsense.

Cara Mendaftar Google Adsense

Pertama yang harus kita lakukan untuk mendaftar Google Adsense adalah mempunyai website atau blog.Jika belum punya maka harus buat website atau blog dulu,nah jika ingain cepat diapprove ama pihak google lebih baik buat akun di google aja.Untuk buat blog lebih baik blog di blogger(punya google)dan ingat saat buat blog pilih bahasa yang didukung ama google yaitu bahasa inggris.Jika sudah punya blog saatnya menentukan tema yang anda kuasai misalnya tentang olahraga,otomotif,dll.

Selanjutnya membuat posting,nah postingnya ini harus orisinil dari otak kamu.Jika kamu gak mau susah payah buat artikel ambil aja di atau website lain yang punya arikel republish.Syaratnya agar diterima ma google adsense harus punya minimal 5 artikel berbahasa inggris.Trus sesudah itu langsung daftar ke adsense caranya klik link adsense yang ada di dashboard.Selanjutnya isi formulir yang ada.Jika sudah kita tinggal menunggu jawabannya 1-2hari bahkan seminggu paling lambat melalui email kamu.Selamat mencoba

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Back To Main Page Click Here for more articles Make Money Quick With Google Adsense by: Jeff Schuman

Do you want to make money quick? In this article we are going to
talk about one of the quickest ways you can make money. Making
money quick is not only possible there are people doing
it everyday with Google Adsense.

Google AdSense delivers text and image ads that match the
content on your website. These are very targeted ads that you
can choose the size and color of and they come across to your
customer as helpful more than an ad itself. 

Google Ads require virtually no maintenance and they help you
put advertising on your website without actually having to deal
with advertisers yourself. If you can copy and paste a small
code you can have targeted advertising on your website in

Adsense is simple to join and it is free to join. Whether you
are an internet newbie or a veteran you can profit quickly by
placing Google Adsense ads on your web pages. 

Since Google does all of the work by finding the most profitable
ads for your pages you can do what you do best....provide good
content and lots of it. The more web pages you create the
quicker you will be making money. You can learn more here:

Once you have joined Google Adsense you will want to combine
Google search with AdSense to monetize more of your web pages.
You can do this by placing a Google search box on your pages.
Google AdSense combines Google's search technology with
thousands of keyword advertisers to deliver targeted text-based
ads to search result pages. People find these ads useful and
click on them, and when they do, Google pays you. 

You can see an example of how this works right here on this web
page. In fact we combine Google search and Google Adsense on
almost every website and web pages we create. We have found it a
very easy way to make money quick and to make money over and
over. It's great.

The internet offers many ways to make money quick. The nice
thing about Google Adsense is you have the largest search engine
in the world doing your advertising for you. This truely allows
you to make money quickly and you can do it over and over with
as many products as you want. 

About the author: contains the best of everything you need to 
make money online. Their make money quick website contains links to 
the Top 10 webites to help you make money quickly on the internet.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Adsense - 7 keys to empire? by: Richard Keir Copyright 2005 Richard Keir

There's a lot of buzz around about how you can make a quick and easy fortune using this AdSense course or that tool or this book.

And they show you their incomes from AdSense too (though not necessarily THIS month). Now, is it just me or is something a little odd in all this?

Say, I'm making $5000 - no make that $15,276 a month from AdSense on my sites. And now I'm going to sell all my secrets on how to do that for $67 or $97 or whatever.

So what happened, did I get all bored with my filthy riches and decide to become a philanthropist and sell stuff that makes me 15K a month for a pittance? Or is it something else?

Am I saying it's impossible? Certainly not. I know people who make that more.

But a little reality. Those people don't have 5 or 6 or 50 sites. They have maybe 500 or 3000 or more. Few sites make 20 or more a day. Very few. Average income is probably less than a dollar a day. So with 500 sites at a dollar a day, you've got your 15K a month.

Now the domain names cost you maybe $3500 to $4500. Then you need hosting and somehow you've got to build the sites and get traffic to them. There are excellent tools but the ones that will let you do this kind of thing in a reasonably short time are also very (very) expensive.

And you are continually dealing with sites that don't get indexed or get de-indexed or even get banned. Traffic today, gone tomorrow. Plus, if you're not real careful with those tools you may get an unpleasant letter from Google about a DMCA copyright infringement which could cost you your AdSense account.

You can make money, you can build an empire. But it isn't easy or quick no matter what you hear. And it really isn't a business. It's not a long run proposition, it's not stable. You need to keep creating more sites as older ones fail - or you need to be smart and use those AdSense revenues to build an enduring business.

You put up with this down to here, so here are the real 7 "secret" keys to AdSense.

1. The best performing AdSense type is the large rectangle. This has been tested over and over.

2. The best colors are blue for the link - surfers know that blue means click me. And darkish almost black and grey for the text and url. No borders. The same background as your page. Will it merge into your content? No, that's bogus. There are maybe 4 surfers in this galaxy who can't tell a Google ad when they see one. They are not going to believe it's part of the text. Wake up, OK?

3. Another format which is being reported to more or less work is the full wide banner type layout with text ads and images directly above the links. Try it and see if it works for you. Maybe it's a fad.

4. Keywords and related content are critical if you want targeted ads. If you want high paying clicks you need to target the costly keywords AND have content that supports the keywords.

5. You need traffic interested in the ads. Which means your traffic generation techniques have to be targeted not scattershot. You might hear that 1% or 1.5% clickthrough rate is OK and 3% is good. Nonsense. Really successful people get CTRs that are often well above 30%. Even with modest efforts you should be getting an average 6 to 15% CTR (per ad impression, not pages).

6. You have to track what you're doing and you have to test variations in ad layout, placement, color and related content to optimize your income. No one can tell you how to do it except the traffic coming to your site. If you don't test and track, you're flying blind.

7. You need to keep building new sites.

You are now a member of the AdSense Illuminati. Quite possibly you already knew all that. So why are you looking for something else? Really. This is all you need to start doing it.

Probably any course or book can help you if that's what it takes to get you moving and doing. Ultimately, no one can really show you exactly how to do it. You're going to have to learn the ropes and put in the time.

Like everything in life - the greatest traffic generator, the ultimate course or the super MLM opportunity, if it sounds too good to be true, then it is. There's no magic bullet, no ultimate secret to buy. There's no easy, painless, work free, certain road to riches (except, maybe, inheriting it and that can be very hard on the heirs).

Whatever you do on the net, do it wide awake and with your brain actually functioning. The final un-numbered key is that a technique, a shortcut, an idea that will make what you do easier, faster, or more profitable - one single tiny thing - is worth more than any book or course costs. One useable idea and you've gotten a great deal. If you learned something you didn't know or had forgotten, then it's worth much more than you paid. There may not be any magic solution out there, but there are useful concepts, techniques and ideas. You just have to see them for what they are, and then get busy and really use them.

About the author:
Richard writes, teaches, trains and consults on business and professional presentations and eCommerce related matters. For more information on eCommerce sites and eCommerce site building visit you can find more articles at

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Google Adsense Strategies and Tips by: Alden Smith

Adsense is beginning to make a huge impact on the affiliate marketing industry today. Because of this, weak affiliate merchants have the tendency to die faster than ever and ad networks will be losing their customers quickly. 

If you are in a losing rather than winning in the affiliate program you are currently promoting, maybe it is about time to consider going into the Adsense marketing and start earning some real cash. 

Google is readily providing well written and highly relevant ads that are closely chosen to match the content on your pages. You do not have to look for them yourselves as the search engine will be the doing the searching for you from other people’s source. 

You also don't have to spend time in choosing different kind of ads for different pages. Google makes it very easy for you, with no codes to mess around for different affiliate programs. 

You will be able to concentrate on providing good and quality content, as the search engines will be the ones finding the best ads in which to put your pages on. 

You are still allowed to add Adsense ads even if you already have affiliate links on your site. It is prohibited, however, to imitate the look and feel of the Google ads for your affiliate links. One of the things you can do, however, is to utilize Google's custom palette to customize your Google ads, making them to appear a part of the web page itself. The idea here is to match background and links to match the theme of your site. People on the internet today are trained to click on a link that is blue, and if your Google ads have the same theme as your web page, it makes the Google ads appear to be a portion of your "content." 

You can also filter up to 200 URLs. This gives you a chance to block ads for the sites that do not meet your guidelines, and also block competitors. Remember that it is unavoidable that Adsense may be competing for some space on web sites that all other revenues are sharing. 

Owners of small sites are allowed to plug a bit of a code into their sites and instantly have relevant text ads that appeal to your visitors appear instantly on your pages. If you own many sites, you only need to apply once. Then ,you are issued a unique "publisher ID", which can be used on any site you currently own. A small snippet of Javascript is placed on your site in the location you wish the ads to appear in, and generally speaking, the ads from Goggle will appear in minutes. This ends the hassle of having to apply to many affiliate programs, and keeping track of many different URL's and user ID's and passwords. 

As Google ads are very easy to customize, and can be placed anywhere on your site you wish, you can experiment with placement, colors, and themes. Many tricks are available to the resourceful webmaster, including adding images in conjunction with your Google ads to make them more noticeable. 

The payment rates can vary extremely. The payment you will be receiving per click depends on how much advertisers are paying per click to advertise with the use of the AdWords. Advertisers can pay as little as 5 cents and as high as $10-12, sometimes even more than that too. Some savvy lawyers are currently paying as high as $75 for advertising the keyword mesothelioma! And you, as the ad publisher, are earning a share of that money generated. 

If your results remain stagnant, it can help if you try and build simple and uncluttered pages so that the ads can catch the visitor’s eyes more. It sometimes pay to differ from the usual things that people are doing already. Google has many tutorials, including a "heat chart" which shows you where the best placement for ads are. You will need an account to access these tutorials. Sign up for an Adsense account at Google Adsense. It is also a refreshing sight for your visitor once they see something different for a change. 

It is still wise to look at other people’s information and format your Adsense in a like manner. A wise old business axiom is to "find a good business model, then copy it." Let others do the hard work for you, and learn from a successful site. Just think about it as doing yourself a favor by not having to work too hard to know what content to have. Look to sites that have high page rank, and carefully observe their layouts, their content, and placement of their ads. A little time spent doing research can put dollars in your pocket down the road. 

Publishers have the option of choosing to have their ads displayed only on a certain site or sites. You can also have them displayed on a large network of sites if you so desire. Google now has the option to allow other people to advertise on your site. This only makes good sense. If you are marketing to a tightly defined niche, you can place your own ads, written by you, on site that allow this option. The choice is yours, depending on what you think will work best to your advantage. 

It is important to note that you cannot choose certain topics only. If you do this, search engines will not place Adsense ads on your site and you will be missing out a great opportunity in making hundreds and even thousands of dollars cash. 

Topics to be avoided includes gambling, firearms, ammunition, tobacco or drugs. If you are being offered more cash in exchange of doing Adsense with these kinds, it is just like signing your own termination paper. 

With all the information that people need in your hands already, all you have to do is turn Google Adsense into your own cash cow. It all boils down to a win-win situation both for the content site owners and the webmasters or publishers. 

Our website, Adsense Tool, is a good source of information for the beginning adsense. We present a lot of content for those needing more information on a variety of subjects.

Google AdSense: 7 Tips For Creating Sites That Make Money by: Neil Bartlett

Having a Google AdSense site is a great way to make money. And to create an AdSense site, all you have to do is have a Google AdSense account (which is free), a website or a blog (which is free), and some articles (which are free if you write them yourself). Once you get your site up and running, the AdSense ads will be targeted to your content. 

Therefore, those looking for your content will come by, read your articles, and have a high probability of being interested in the targeted ads. Every time someone clicks an ad, you get paid! That is, as long as you have designed your site to maximize AdSense clickthroughs! 

Let's look at seven tips for creating AdSense sites that create money.

#1: Keyword Density

Before you place ads on your site, be sure your keyword density is good. You will want to be sure that the right kinds of ads are placed on your site. A free way to determine what the ads will look like on your site is to go to and type in your keywords. You will then be able to see exactly what ads would show on your site.

If you don't like what you see, then you know that you need to make changes to your keywords! You can get keyword suggestions from Results Generator from Overture or from the free trial version of Word Tracker. 

#2: Focused

Not only will the ads be based on your keywords, but they will also be based on your content. You definitely want your keywords and your content to match as closely as possible.

#3: Write Often

The more information you have the better. Why? Because the more content you have, the more visitors you get. Many people suggest that you write a new article every day since no one wants to come back to your site to find the same old messages!

#4: Choose The Right Format

AdSense allows you to choose many different ad formats. Research has shown that wider ads are more successful. The top three formats are:

" 336x280 large rectangle
" 300x250 medium rectangle
" 160x600 wide skyscraper

Additionally, the 468x15 horizontal ad link under the navigation bar is also a good bet.

#5: Color Counts

You have the option to create a Google AdSense ad in any color of your choice. The best thing to do is to make your ad blend well with your site color scheme. You should make the border color and the background color the same color as your web site. You will want your text color to either be black or the color of your main content. 

When creating your Google AdSense ads it is recommended to use the color scheme and style of your website so that the ads blend in well. Ads without background color and borders perfom better than ads within borders with background color. 

#6: Position Counts, Too

It is well known that visitors to a website scan the site to determine if it is worth reading. You definitely want them to see and scan your AdSense ads. Therefore, the best place to put them is in the top left part of your page or directly under your headlines.

#7: Increase The Number

AdSense allows you to use up to three AdSense units on a page, two AdSense search boxes, and one unit of ad links. Using all that you can increases the chances of earning money.

Keep these seven tips in mind when creating your AdSense site and you will find that your clickthrough rates increase, thus increasing your money making potential.

About the author: makes it easy to generate Google Adsense Income, quickly & easily. Find all the tools and resources you need to get started fast. To receive your free Google Adsense site visit:

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The Easiest Way To Have A Google Adsense Account Fast by: Mark Tse

Google Adsense is one of the easiest way to allow webmasters to make money from content websites. You just need to add some simple javascript codes on the web pages, and then when visitors click the ads, you make money. No need to sell and think yourself, Google does all thinking for you. Very easy, right?

Google Adsense is really a gold mine. People are creating niche websites just to display the ads and make easy money everyday - automatically. There are so many success stories about people earning thousands of dollars a month from Adsense!

If you don’t have an Adsense account yet, you should get one and start profiting from it!

However, not all who applied for an Adsense account gets approved. You need to show your content websites to Google first to get approved.

Then how if you don’t have a content website? No need to worry, here is a secret method to get approved - fast and easily - just read on...

Google has its own blogging service - ( You can start a blog on with any topics you like - and it is completely free. Once your blog is created, post two or more related articles on it. Wait for a day and then you can apply your blog for an adsense account using this link:

Wow, your Adsense account will get approved in several days. Happy profiting from Adsense! 

About the author:
This article is written by Mark Tse. Mark shares free tips, articles and downloads about Internet Marketing. You can visit his blog and read his latest posts here:

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Whats Google AdSense? by: Diane Nassy

Back To Main Page Click Here for more articles Google AdSense and Blogs by: Diane Nassy

If you have a blog, or are thinking about starting a blog, then you are definitely going to want to read this article. It’s all about how to line your pockets with money that’s just waiting to be made without working much harder than you already are.

No only are blogs the hottest thing on the ‘net right now, but they are custom-made for Google’s AdSense program. Why? It’s simple. Blogs represent constantly changing and fresh content to Google’s search engine spiders. Feeding fresh content to those little spiders is just like tossing raw meat to a tiger. They just gobble it up. The more pages of your blog that get indexed, the more traffic you get. And the more traffic you get, the more exposure your AdSense ads get. Are you beginning to see where I’m heading here?

It’s not just Google that loves new content, all of the major engines do. In fact, some web-savvy bloggers are testing Google ads on one page and Overture ads on the other. It doesn’t take too long to see which ads are doing the best when you have nearly side-by-side comparison statistics to look at. Just don’t make the mistake of putting Google and Overture ads on the same page together. While they won’t kill each other like a pair of Siamese fighting fish in the same bowel will, you will be violating both sites’ Terms of Service, and it isn’t worth killing the goose (geese) that laid the golden egg.

It’s a snap to set up Google AdSense ads on your blog. Everything you need to know is right inside of the Google control panel. What’s not so easy is figuring out what ads are going to appear on each page. Since Google targets your key words, and your blog articles could possible wander towards any subject, you never know what you’re going to get.

Well, “never” is a strong word because there actually IS a way to pre-test your blog’s ads before you post your newest edition. Here’s what you do:

• Write your blog article like you normally would
• Plug in your AdSense code and then post your newest page to a sub directory that’s not part of your blog. 
• Click refresh a few times until Google wakes up and starts sending ads. 
• If you don’t like what you see then fine-tune the article until you see the types of ads that you’re looking for.

With some ads paying as much as $5 per click or more, I’d certainly spend an extra 30 minutes or so tweaking my blog. That’s for sure.

If you’re working hard to get your blog in front of visiting eyeballs, then it doesn’t make any sense at NOT to be using Google AdSense to draw every penny out of your site that’s possible. OK, that’s the end of the article. Now get busy tweaking your blog and checking your ads. You’ve got money waiting to be made! 

About the author:
Diane provides marketing and internet profit tips. 
For more Google AdSense tips, visit
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